CRTC Hearing Index

The First Mile Connectivity Consortium presented to the CRTC in June 2013 regarding Northwestel’s proposed Modernization Plan


Decision reachedDec. 18 2013
(CRTC Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-711)

** First Mile Connectivity Consortium’s Summary of the Decision **

** The CRTC plans to review the Basic Service Objective in 2014-2015. That will be another opportunity to raise the issues examined in these hearings in a national context. **

We invite you to explore the links below and get in touch through our First Mile contact, Rob McMahon, if you would like to participate or have any questions.

On June 19 and 20, 2013 the First Mile connectivity consortium, K’atl’odeeche First Nation and the Eeyou Communications Network presented to the CRTC regarding several aspects of Northwestel’s proposedModernization Plan. Generally, the three parties focused on issues of access, affordability, and the potential for infrastructure development in the North to support economic and community development. They argued that northern residents should be offered opportunities to participate in these developments as producers as well as consumers of telecommunications services. Follow the links below to learn more.

Hearings in Inuvik and Whitehorse




More information about the Hearings



Background (preparation for Hearings)


