2015 – 2016 CRTC: Review of the Basic Service Objective (BSO)

On July 14, 2015, the FMCC submitted an intervention to the Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-134 Review of basic telecommunications services. We provided evidence demonstrating that the existing model for ensuring that telecommunications services are available and affordable in rural, remote, and northern areas has fallen short of the needs of community members, and[…]

CRTC moves BSO deadline for initial interventions to July 14

FMCC received the following notice by email today announcing a 2 week extension for the initial interventions from June 30 to July 14. ++++++++++ May 28, 2015 Our reference: 8663-C12-201503186 BY E-MAIL To: Distribution List RE: Review of basic telecommunications services, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2015-1341 – Changes to filing dates On 4 May 2015,[…]

First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC) receives CIRA grant

May 28, 2015 The First Mile Connectivity Consortium has received new funding support for policy research on broadband infrastructure and services in rural, remote and northern Indigenous communities. We are thrilled to announce that the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has awarded the FMCC $30,000. These funds will be used to collect evidence to present at the Canadian Radio-Television[…]

Rebooting Canada’s Communication Legislation Conference in Ottawa – May 22-23, 2015

The University of Ottawa’s Centre on Governance and the Forum for Research on Policy in Communications (FRPC) are co-sponsoring a policy and law conference on May 22nd and 23rd, 2015, focussing on Canada’s broadcasting and telecommunications legislation. It will examine issues related to communications sovereignty and the use of new content distribution services, the socio-cultural[…]

Resources about First Nations Community Networks

Read more about First Nations Community Networks and Aboriginal-led broadband development projects in Canada French Publication #35-F Read more than 70 stories of First Nations community broadband development located on this website Explore these stories on a Google Map that shows their distribution across Canada Digital Divides and the ‘First Mile’: Framing First Nations Broadband[…]

Learn more about Northwestern’s Modernization Plan

Download Northwestel’s updated Modernization Plan (Jan 16, 2013) Download Northwestel’s original Modernization Plan (July 3, 2012) Download Northwestel’s response to several requests to disclose information ( Feb 15, 2012) Visit Northwestel’s website about the hearings. Frequently asked questions from the company Summary – Modernization Plan (from CRTC website) Northwestel’s Modernization Plan outlined the details of a projected[…]

Presentations from First Mile Connectivity Consortium, K’atl’odeeche First Nation, and Eeyou Communication Network

Inuvik Hearing – June 17, 2013 Oral presentation from Eeyou Communication Network DOWNLOAD PDF   Whitehorse Hearing – June 19, 2013 Opening comments from Rob McMahon, First Mile Connectivity Consortium DOWNLOAD DOC    Final spoken comments (slightly different wording) DOC Expert witness testimony from Prof. Heather Hudson DOWNLOAD DOC    Testimony from Brian Beaton, former manager, KO-KNET[…]

Suggested points to make – Sample letter of support CRTC

Here is a suggested template you may want to draw on to intervene in the CRTC Hearings. According to the CRTC, the following information is needed in all interventions: the file your intervention relates to (the notice, application or file number) as well as the applicant’s/licensee’s name; whether you support or oppose the issue or[…]

Information About the CRTC Submission

This page provides background about the issue, the CRTC, benefits of First Nations Community Networks, and our position on the Hearings. Introduction We are an independent not-for-profit research consortium and a First Nation community located in the Northwest Territories. Our work focuses on innovative solutions to broadband infrastructure development with and in rural and remote[…]

Community First Mile Stories

These community stories showcase innovative uses of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) by First Nations communities across Canada. They were written in collaboration with members of First Nations communities and organizations. In all cases the stories that appear here have been verified by organization and/or community members. Thank-you to all the community members who helped[…]