As we have seen throughout this course, powerful forces established in the past continue to shape the ways that our societies and communities are structured today. The network society contains many inequalities. The term ‘digital divides’ describes the challenges that some individuals and groups face in accessing broadband networks and digital technologies. However, these challenges do not dictate the futures of individuals or communities. Rather, they are opportunities and constraints that can be negotiated and re-shaped through people’s innovation and creativity.
In this unit, we will learn more about the First Mile approach, which focuses on how people are addressing digital divides through community-driven technology development projects. Indigenous peoples around the world, including remote and rural First Nations in Canada, are actively engaged in bridging the digital divides they face. In doing so they are putting the ‘last-mile’ first.
Introducing Digital Divides
Researching Digital Divides: The Pew Internet & American Life Project
Divergent Solutions to Digital Divides
Introducing Community Informatics
Putting the ‘last-mile’ First
Indigenous peoples and First Mile networking projects
Implementing First Mile projects
Sharing First Mile experiences: First Nations Education Council