2014 Industry Canada: Spectrum Policy (3500 MHz Band + AWS)

FMCC made submissions in 2014 to Industry Canada on two different aspects of Spectrum Policy. On October 7, 2014 the FMCC submitted a position paper to Industry Canada regarding Policy Changes in the 3500 MHz Band and a New Licensing Process in Rural Areas  (Reference number: DGSO-003-14). The paper outlined the benefits of a ‘First[…]

2014 CRTC: Let’s Talk TV Consultations

CRTC 2014-190 – ‘Let’s Talk TV’ (Phase 3) The FMCC participated in the CRTC’s ‘Let’s Talk TV’ hearings about television services in Canada. Many remote and rural communities lack access to the digital infrastructure and services necessary to access broadcast programming on an equitable basis. Costs for digital services are high and choices are often[…]

2014 CRTC: Review of Satellite Services

CRTC 2014-44 – Review of Satellite Services In 2014, the FMCC participated in the CRTC’s inquiry about satellite services in Canada. Many First Nations and Inuit communities are dependent on satellite services for telephone services and data applications. However, the CRTC determined that a clear ‘digital divide’ exists between communities that can access terrestrial infrastructure[…]

2014 Industry Canada: Connecting Canadians

In July 2014, Industry Canada announced a new $305M investment in digital infrastructure and services. According to the agency, this funding is “to provide incentives for the private sector to invest in wireless and wireline Internet services in areas of the country that previously did not have access to high-speed Internet services. This will create thousands[…]

2013 CRTC: Review of Northwestel’s Modernization Plan

CRTC 2013-669 – Review of Northwestel’s Modernization Plan On June 19 and 20, 2013 the FMCC, K’atl’odeeche First Nation and the Eeyou Communications Network presented to the CRTC regarding several aspects of Northwestel’s proposed Modernization Plan. Generally, the three parties focused on issues of access, affordability, and the potential for infrastructure development in the North[…]

Maori Claim for Spectrum as a Treaty Right

Submitted By: Brian Beaton Maori Claim for Spectrum as a Treaty Right Online Presentation on March 30th Graeme Everton delivered a presentation on Maori claims for spectrum as a treaty right. The video-conference and on-line presentation took place out of the First Nation Technology Council office in Vancouver on March 30. Three reference documents to[…]