FMCC participates in CRTC 2023-56: Review of the wholesale high-speed access service framework

On June 22, 2023, FMCC submitted an intervention to the CRTC public proceeding on wholesale high-speed access service framework. FMCC has long advocated for fair, equitable, and reliable access to transport facilities. Below are FMCC’s recommentations: 1. Pricing for incumbent transport services in remote and Indigenous regions should be regulated to ensure timely access at[…]

FNTC releases Indigenous Leadership in Technology

The First Nations Technology Council (Technology Council) published its report “Indigenous Leadership in Technology: Understanding Access and Opportunities in British Columbia” in December of 2022. The report offers a summary of some of the current barriers and enablers Indigenous peoples experience in building technological capacity as well as their vision for the future of technology[…]

ISED, Spectrum Outlook 2022-2026, and FMCC

On January 12, 2023, the Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED) published the Comments received for the Consultation on the Spectrum 2022 to 2026. FMCC participated in these hearings and our submission can be found here.  Writing for The Wire Report, Jenna Cocullo noted the emphasis put on the issue of Indigenous Spectrum[…]

FMCC members in the News Media

FMCC member organizations have had quite a bit of media attention recently. At the end of 2022, Jessica Mundie published a story in the National Post on First Nations communities across Canada who are building their own networks. Her story featured interviews with a number of FMCC members including Alfred Loon, president of Eeyou Communications Network (ECN) and Jesse[…]

ECN Hosts FMCC 2022 General Meeting

After more than two years of pandemic restrictions, members of FMCC met for their first in-person meeting in Montréal on June 14th and 15th, 2022. Eeyou Communications Network (ECN) hosted the FMCC general meeting at the Cree Regional Government office. Present were Alfred Loon of ECN; Tim Whiteduck and Philippe Lalancette from Conseil en education[…]

FMCC responds to CRTC consultation regarding potential barriers to the deployment of broadband-capable networks in underserved areas in Canada

CRTC 2019-406 CRTC invited interested parties to identify barriers that ISPs and communities face in building new facilities or accessing existing facilities, and how these barriers are preventing parties from extending networks and offering universal service objective services. The call for comments asked that responding parties propose potential regulatory measures to address identified barriers.  Call[…]