First Mile Video: Tyendinaga Community Services and ICT

Tyendinaga – Ontario Monday, 10 September 2012, 03:03 PM High-speed broadband is essential to the daily operation of many public services within a community. This video showcases some of the struggles two very different community services face when limited connectivity services are available. In this video, Kathleen Manderville,Principal of Quinte Mohawk School (QMS), discusses the[…]

KOTM Facilitates Chiefs Forum on H1N1 Through Videoconferencing

Northern Ontario and Manitoba – -Canada Friday, 31 August 2012, 01:32 PM In spring of 2009, the was a significant health threat in communities across the country. Since people have no natural immunity against the virus, it resulted in hundreds of deaths in Canada. To help combat the disease in Ontario communities, organized in-person workshops[…]

First Mile Video: The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (MBQ) Network

Tyendinaga – Ontario Friday, 6 July 2012, 12:03 AM The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (MBQ) Network is a First Nations owned, local broadband development project in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Tyendinaga developed the MBQ Network to address the lack of local broadband infrastructure. Despite its location only 2.5 hours from Toronto, for years the[…]

First Mile Video: The First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI)

Tyendinaga – Ontario Friday, 6 July 2012, 12:11 AM The First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI) provides post-secondary training, in a variety of fields, to Aboriginal people across Ontario. All of FNTI’s programs are grounded in Aboriginal values and approaches to learning. In this video, Chief Donald Maracle discusses the history of FNTI, and Tanya King-Maracle[…]

First Mile Video: Tyendinaga as a Frontier for Information and Communication Technology Development

Tyendinaga – Ontario Thursday, 5 July 2012, 11:53 PM Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory is located on the shores of the Bay of Quinte, just off the 401 highway 65km west of Kingston, Ontario. Tyendinaga has a long history of involvement in communications and media technologies. This story begins long before digital technologies became available, through sign[…]

Northern Ontario First Nations Upgrade from End-of-Life Microwave and Satellite Connections to Fibre Optic Cable to Deliver Broadband Services

Northern Ontario – -Canada Wednesday, 27 June 2012, 01:02 PM 26 communities in Northern Ontario can expect to have access to a new, faster broadband infrastructure by 2014. 13 of these remote First Nations presently receive satellite connectivity through the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite (NICSN). NICSN is a joint venture partnership between KO-KNET, the Kativik[…]

First Mile Video from Mishkeegogamang

Mishkeegogamang – Ontario Monday, 25 June 2012, 11:49 AM Desiree McKay of the Mishkeegogamang First Nation created this video as part of the Youth ICT 2012 Workshop. In this video, Chief Connie Gray-McKay speaks about how new technology in the Mishkeegogamang community has helped her to communicate better with her council and community members about[…]

First Mile video from KiHS in Sachigo Lake

Sachigo Lake – Ontario Monday, 25 June 2012, 12:09 PM Tyrell Kowtiash and Myron Tait produced this video for the First Mile project. The video shows us life in a KiHS classroom. Let’s say it’s a version your teacher doesn’t want you to see! WMP video ** If this video loads slowly try this link[…]

First Mile videos from KiHS in Fort Severn

Fort Severn – Ontario Friday, 22 June 2012, 06:02 PM Keewaytinook Internet High School Students in Fort Severn produced three videos for the First Mile project. In the first video Isaiah Koostachin goes out on the land with the Canadian Rangers to interview them about technology. We learn what people like best about technology, how they[…]