2014 Industry Canada: Connecting Canadians

In July 2014, Industry Canada announced a new $305M investment in digital infrastructure and services. According to the agency, this funding is “to provide incentives for the private sector to invest in wireless and wireline Internet services in areas of the country that previously did not have access to high-speed Internet services. This will create thousands[…]

Technology and education in Kahnawake

Kahnawake – Quebec Wednesday, 11 June 2014, 10:30 AM This video shows how teachers and other educational staff working in the Mohawk community of Kahnawake use technology. The video features interviews from people working in the community schools. It was produced with the Kahnawake Education Centre(KEC) with funding from the First Nations Innovation Project. According[…]

2013 CRTC: Review of Northwestel’s Modernization Plan

CRTC 2013-669 – Review of Northwestel’s Modernization Plan On June 19 and 20, 2013 the FMCC, K’atl’odeeche First Nation and the Eeyou Communications Network presented to the CRTC regarding several aspects of Northwestel’s proposed Modernization Plan. Generally, the three parties focused on issues of access, affordability, and the potential for infrastructure development in the North[…]

CRTC Hearing Index

The First Mile Connectivity Consortium presented to the CRTC in June 2013 regarding Northwestel’s proposed Modernization Plan   Decision reached – Dec. 18 2013 (CRTC Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-711) ** First Mile Connectivity Consortium’s Summary of the Decision ** ** The CRTC plans to review the Basic Service Objective in 2014-2015. That will be another[…]

K’atl’odeeche First Nation Fiber Optic Construction (2011)

K’atl’odeeche First Nation – Northwest Territories Tuesday, 29 October 2013, 05:16 PM In 2011, Katlodeeche First Nation completed the construction of its local broadband fiber optic network. This video documents the project. They were shot on location and edited by KFN’s IT Project Manager, Lyle Fabian. Watch part 2 of the video here, on YouTube.[…]

Technology at Alaqsite’w Gitpu School

Listuguj – Quebec Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 10:36 AM This video, produced by the First Nations Education Council in Quebec, shows how the community of Listuguj is using technologies in schools. Principal Jeff Grass discusses how teachers are using Smart Boards, tablets and laptops as learning tools to engage students. Technology at Listuguj: Alaqsite’w Gitpu[…]

Who is Involved in the CRTC hearing

The following is a list of organizations that support the CRTC intervention into the Northwestel Modernization Plan: K’atl’odeeche First Nation (NWT) First Mile Connectivity Consortium (National) First Nations Innovation Project (Atlantic Canada; ON; QC; B.C.) Eeyou Communications Network (QC) Keewaytinook Okimakanak K-Net Services (ON) First Nations Education Council (QC) Atlantic Canada First Nations Help Desk[…]

Media Coverage from Northwestel Hearings CRTC

CBC Radio North Interview with Rob McMahon, Lyle Fabian and Heather Hudson News clip featuring Lyle Fabian Globe and Mail coverage (June 19, 2013) NorthwesTel rivals pitch telecom projects at CRTC hearings Northern News Services Online (June 22, 2013) Northerners get voice in telecommunications Whitehorse Star (stories behind a paywall) Northerners need comparable services, CRTC told[…]