Kanhiote – Tyendinaga Public Library

Kanhiote Public Library Tyendinaga – Ontario Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 11:25 AM By Kevin Maracle, First Nations Technical Institute, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory The Kanhiote Library was connected to the Internet via a full time dialup line in 1999 as part of First Nation Technical Institute (FNTI) CAP project funding. At the time FNTI had two[…]

Keewaytinook Internet High School

Keewaytinook Internet High School One innovative program in northern Ontario enables local First Nations students to stay in their home communities while attending high school. Keewaytinook Internet High School, or KiHS, uses ICTs to support community-based learning in classrooms across the northern part of the province. View a recent (October 2011) about KiHS:   VIDEO[…]

The Eeyou Communications Network

The Eeyou Communications Network/Réseau de Comunications Eeyou by Hyman Glustein and Alfred Loon Eeyou Communications Network/Réseau de Comunications Eeyou is a regional fibre-optic network serving all Eeyou Istchee communities and towns in the James Bay region. Owned by the Cree Regional Authority and the Cree School Board in partnership with neighbouring non-Aboriginal townships and school[…]

Knowledge and Career Development Network

Supporting Education in Saskatchewan By Randy Johns, KCDC CEO and Brenda La Roque-Hill, KCDN Manager Keewatin Career Development Corporation has been working with schools for over 15 years. In that time, we have come to understand the challenges faced by teachers to find relevant and engaging learning resources for their students. We launched KCDN –[…]

Fort Severn First Nation’s Community-Based Local Broadband Infrastructure and Connectivity Model

Fort Severn – Ontario Wednesday, 5 October 2011, 12:36 AM Visit the Fort Severn First Nation Technology Showcase to learn the history of communications in that community: both before and after the Internet became available. Fort Severn First Nation operates a community-based local broadband infrastructure and connectivity model that highlights some of the challenges in[…]

Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network

Northern Quebec – Manitoba Wednesday, 5 October 2011, 12:39 AM The Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN) is an example of a jointly managed, inter-provincial partnership between First Nations and Inuit communities in northern Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. Despite the very different contexts of these organizations, in one key informant’s words, through NICSN, “we are[…]

Permanent Studios

Fibre-optic broadband infrastructure supports a variety of digital applications — including community-based media projects. In Quebec, the First Nations Education Council partnered with a variety of organizations toinstall broadband in 13 of their 22 member First Nations communities. These networks enable members of those communities to distribute and share digital media . Permanent Studios is[…]

Aboriginal Hip Hop Culture

Vancouver – British Columbia Tuesday, 4 October 2011, 11:23 PM Beat Nation and grunt gallery : Hip Hop as Indigenous Culture, based in Vancouver B.C., is a virtual community featuring young Aboriginal artists from across Canada, the United States, and South America with one First Nations artist, Ron Harris (Ostwelve), connecting his work with Indigenous[…]

ICT Supporting First Nations Classrooms

– Quebec Tuesday, 4 October 2011, 10:25 PM By Kerri Gibson Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have great potential to compliment and support the education of our future generations. Fortunately, there are high quality educational programs available that help train individuals, and teachers in particular, on how to creatively integrate ICT into classrooms. The Masters[…]