FMCC files comments to CRTC (2017-359) on Future Programming Distribution Models

On Friday, December 1, 2017, FMCC filed our comments on the Future Programming Distribution Models with the CRTC.

The CRTC put out this Call for Comments in response to the Governor in Council’s request for a report on future programming distribution models to be presented before June 1, 2018 ( and

FMCC’s submission is available for download at

All the submissions to this Call for Comments are available at the CRTC site at

FMCC presented the CRTC with information highlighting the opportunities for:

  • creating and broadcasting content in First Nations supporting the production and distribution of Indigenous language products and resources;
  • transforming the dominant dependent, consumer broadcast distribution model to one of an Indigenous production broadcasting model, i.e. First Nations as producers of content in place of the consumers of products produced in far-away locations;
  • using the “WHOLE COMMUNITY” approach to planning and developing appropriate and required digital products, content, and resources;
  • supporting the economic and social development of valuable long-term professional  employment opportunities by constructing and sustaining local digital innovation centres addressing local priorities and desires.

FMCC is now reviewing other submissions, identifying other opportunities to work with other groups to support mutually beneficial comments to these discussions. This work will lead to the second stage of submissions now being planned by the CRTC.