Feb-June 2017 – The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence

An upcoming series of regional and national events provides an opportunity to discuss and plan for the upcoming CRTC review of the Native Broadcasting Policy (CRTC 1990-89). These events will be of interests to Indigenous broadcasting groups, as well as people working in research and policy.

For more information on “The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence” – and to submit a presentation proposal – please see below, or visit the conference website.

With the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission or CRTC’s Native Broadcasting Policy (CRTC 1990-89) review proposed to take place next year (CRTC, Three Year Plan 2016-2019), The Future of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Broadcasting: Conversation & Convergence will kick-start discussions in the practitioner, policy and academic worlds. From February to May 2017, six regional one-day gatherings will be held across Canada on the following dates:

  • Winnipeg, MB – 17 February 2017 (Location: St. John’s College, Room 108, University of Manitoba, 92 Dysart Road)
  • Chisasibi, QC – 20 March 2017 (cancelled – no submissions)
  • Iqaluit, NU – 10 April 2017 (Location: Makkuttukkuvic Youth Center)
  • Edmonton, AB – 21 April 2017 (Location: Telus Center, University of Alberta, 11104 87 Avenue NW)
  • Campbell River, BC – 8 May 2017 (Location: Homalco First Nation Main Hall, 1218 Bute Crescent)
  • Halifax, NS – 18 May 2017 (Location: Archibald Room, 3rd floor of the New Academic Building at King’s College, 6350 Coburg Road)

These regional gatherings will culminate in the convening of a national three-day conference in:

  • Ottawa, ON – 15-17 June 2017 at the University of Ottawa.

The preparation of these events is principally based on a respectful engagement with Indigenous Peoples to support their needs as it relates to scholarship and research about Indigenous media, specifically the CRTC’s upcoming public review of the Native Broadcasting Policy.

Although the timing of the Native Broadcasting Policy review itself is critical, unfortunately, there is no active and established national association for the Indigenous radio sector. This void is the impetus for these outreach activities leading up to the national conference that will bring together First Nations, Inuit, and Métis broadcasters, the general public, established and emerging scholars as well as civil society actors and organizations working in the areas of Indigenous issues, communications law, and media policy to discuss the main challenges facing the sector today in preparation for the upcoming CRTC policy review.

For more information on these events, and to get involved in the regional and/or national events, please visit the conference website.

How to make a proposal

We are seeking proposals for paper presentations, panels, workshops, round-table discussions, focus groups, and public or private meetings that will be organized into three streams related to Indigenous media policies, practices, and research. We also invite hands-on media and technology skill-sharing workshops targeting Indigenous youth participants, but open to all who are interested.

To make a proposal, choose the option “Propose an activity” and fill out the form.

Proposals can be made for the regional events and/or national conference. Each proposal submitted should address one or more of the following questions guiding the organization of these events:

  • What is the state of the Indigenous broadcasting sector as identified by Indigenous broadcasters?
  • What do Indigenous Peoples want and need from the Indigenous broadcasting sector?
  • What urgent challenges need to be addressed by changes to policy in order to ensure the Indigenous broadcasting sector can fulfill those needs?
  • What insights do key stakeholders working in the areas of Indigenous issues, communications law, and media policy offer on the ways forward?
  • What investments and skills are needed for the reclamation and preservation of regional languages and to implement a sustainable future for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis broadcasting?

The new deadline for making proposals is March 10, 2017 for Iqaluit with a rolling deadline for the other regional events (closing one-month prior to the activity) and a deadline of May 1, 2017 for the national conference in Ottawa.



Click Here to View the Registration Form

We encourage all participants to register now. There is a $75 registration fee for the national event in Ottawa to be paid online at the uOttawa Store (details forthcoming). However, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. The regional events are free, open to the public, and all participants are encouraged to register using the form below. We aim to create a space for conversation, your participation is just as important as the scheduled activities.

  • 9h00-9h30 Coffee and Registration
  • 9h30-10h00 Opening remarks
  • 10h00-11h45 PART 1 – Presentations/Discussions by academics, policy makers, and technical specialists
  • 11h45-12h50 Lunch
  • 12h50-13h00 Instructions for afternoon sessions
  • 13h00-14h45 PART 2 – Presentations/Discussions by media practitioners and broadcasters
  • 15h00-15h50 Discussion Topic: The CRTC Process (facilitated by Project Team)

How would you like the CRTC consultation process to be conducted?
How should the review process itself be changed?

  • 16h00-16h50 Discussion Topic: CRTC Policy (facilitated by Project Team)

What should the policy entail?
What are the elements to include or exclude?
What changes would be required to the Broadcasting Act to ensure the policy is upheld?

See Native Radio Policy CRTC Public Notice 1990-89